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Our Network

  • There are 1.4 Crs plus cable boxes across TN

  • The very first United Cable Network in TN

  • There are 37 districts and hence 190 Channels in our Network @ average of 5 channels per district

  • These Channels have a very strong brand recall among local residence of the respective districts

  • These channels have an average life of min 15 years in these markets

  • Focused only in the respective districts and Taluks

  • Regional market Knowledge is very high for all the channels.

  • The Cable Operators network reaches each and every home once in a month. A good opportunity to do door to door campaign or Feedback. This is an additional service.


We initiated our exclusive partnership with cable networks by providing licensed content to the highly influential yet unorganized network, which could reach hyper-local markets effectively. We devised a network strategy that would cover all 1.4 crore households in Tamil Nadu through 135 local channels, and we secured an exclusivity agreement with them. Our partnership also includes securing advertisement slots across 18 hours of daily programming. Cable TV's strength lies in their ability to deliver hyper-local content, making it a crucial medium to reach the remote areas of Tamil Nadu.


Currently, we have expanded our reach to MSOs and gained exclusive access to their landing pages on every set-top box. This allows us to reach a wider audience as the landing page is displayed whenever someone switches on their TV. On average, viewers spend 4 to 8 seconds on the landing page, making it a highly effective tool to reach households across Tamil Nadu.



Only medium to penetrate District and Taluk level

Has the strong back up of Local Cable Operators  (LCO)

All the 230 channels will telecast the same content at the same time

High viewership because of regional specific content.

Local brands (District specific Brands) only choice till now

We are offering FPC based programmers to bring in a regularized viewership

Local events has a major viewership pull

All New and Exclusive content will attract more viewership

​In a world of DTH, the local cables are back on track because of excellent support and Regional Content specific channels.



Targeted District wise, Thaluk wise Promotion (No satellite channel can provide this reach)


Capacity to reach Door to Door (to Promote and feedback)


Average 15 Plus years Exp in the market


Local market Knowledge


Only medium to show local events


Very high Reach among the B and C segments


Virgin Market, Less explored by the corporates. The every first United Cable Network in TN

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